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April 18, 2014

Tutorial written by Kissing Kate on 18th April 2014

This tutorial is my own original work and any similarities with any other tutorial are coincidental and unintentional.

Anyone with a good basic working knowledge of PS CS5 should be able to follow this tutorial. Please feel free to get creative when following this tutorial, it is for guidance only! 

Please do not claim this tutorial as your own. Anyone is welcome to use it and I would love to see your results. If you would like to share it in a group please link back to my blog.

Supplies Used

Tube: Violette by Verymany

Mask: One of my star masks

Font: Travelling Typewriter

Let’s get started!!!!!

Open up a new image 650x650 and fill it white so you can see what you are doing. Call this your background layer!

Open up the tube in a new tab and choose the layers you want to use - merge together, select, copy and paste onto blank image.

Now make a new layer below the tube layer but above the background layer. In this layer add frame 4 to the left hand side of the tube - resize so its smaller than it opens up as. Add another layer below the frame and add paper 6 so it fits in the space of the frame. Now paste the tube and right click on this layer to apply a clipping mask so the tube fits to the paper. Now go apply some texture in blending modes and set the blend mode to hard light.. it gives this layer a nice glow. You now need to do the same again - from frame, to tube, to clipping mask, to blend mode on the right hand side (don't forget to rotate the tube before pasting to the paper though). 

Now you need to go back to the layers behind the papers, right above your background layer (sorry for all the movement lol) - here you need to add element 37 (the easel) over to the right hand side.

Before we start adding elements we can add the mask so again add a new layer above the background layer.

Use your chosen mask with paper 10 

Above this layer add the following elements as shown on the tag or wherever you may choose:

element 6 

element 26

element 37

element 49

element 58

Now we need to go back up to the layer above the frames and we are going to place elements, clustering them together, giving each elements a drop shadow to add depth and interest. Place the following elements or choose your own as seen on the tag:

element 2

element 10

element 11

element 26

element 33

element 34

element 47

element 52

element 81

element 83

element 91

element 92

Now go to your main tube layer again and duplicate it, on the upper duplicated tube layer go into blending options and choose hard light blend mode ..again giving your tube some interesting light.

Now we will add more elements above/in front of the tube layer, carefully placing them where they fit best. Again you can follow my lead or choose your own elements. i used:

element 5

element 6

element 12

element 19

element 29

element 34

element 45

element 71

I used some wordart on the next layer - use your own choice or make your own

Add name 

Add copyright 

And there you are - all done!!

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