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October 22, 2013
Tutorial written by Kissing Kate on 22nd October 2013

**this is a technique tutorial rather than a tag tutorial ** 

This tutorial is my own original work and any similarities with any other tutorial are coincidental and unintentional.

Anyone with a good basic working knowledge of PS CS5 should be able to follow this tutorial. Please feel free to get creative when following this tutorial, it is for guidance only! 

Please do not claim this tutorial as your own. Anyone is welcome to use it and I would love to see your results. If you would like to share it in a group please link back to my blog.

Today we are going to be making some word art that will give your tags a little more pizzazz!!

Here is what we are going to make:


Song lyrics of choice (mine is HERE)

Font use - Carbon Type HERE

Google translate - everything looks good in French ;-) 

Open up a new image 800 x 800 and fill white so you can see what you are doing.

Add a new layer and select the text tool... make a text box nearly as big as your image.

Now find some song lyrics that you like .. copy and paste them into google translate and change it to the French language.  This is optional.. I just wanted to change it up a bit. Now copy the French version and paste it into your text box.

Set the font to carbon type and make sure your foreground colour is black - font size 18 pt.  Now the text will be space out into paragraphs so select all, left align it and then go through and make it so it fits evenly on each line.. you want something like this:

Now hide your white back ground by clicking the little eye.

Right click on the text layer and convert to a smart object.

Hit the eye again so the white background shows up again.

Now on the text layer select the eraser and use a soft round brush - size 90 - opacity approx 90 (change opacity on top toolbar) - now erase the edges of the text. **PS will tell you you need to rasterize the layer when you starty to erase.. just click ok**  This doesnt have to be too neat - it looks good if its uneven.. you are going for a torn paper type of effect.. Leave some parts of the word a little faded maybe too!!

So now you can delete the white background and save your word art as a png.

There you go - easy peasy!!

Thank you for doing this tut - let me know how you get on.  Get as creative as you can!

Feel free to use the word art made here. 

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