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Today we are going to make a very simple mask in Photoshop.
This is what your mask will look like:

Brushes: Saucy Splatter at Brusheezy
Scripts at Brusheezy

So to start, open a new image 800x800 and using the paint bucket tool fill black.
Now in bottom right corner (layers) hit the new layer icon (looks like a page turning over) .
Now you need to load up your new brushes.  If you don't know how to do this hit the brush icon on left toolbar (8th icon down) - now on top toolbar (under edit) there is a little drop down arrow that says 'click to open the brush preset'.. click on it and hit the far right arrow to open up a box - go down to load brushes and then just find where you saved them and install them.
So now you have your brushes ready.. 
Change your foreground colour to white 
Now choose one of the Saucy Splatter brushes and making sure it is not too big to fit in the image start to create a pattern with the brush.. anything goes really.. but remember we don't want to go in the corners or to the edges.. base your mask on a basic circle shape but be creative with your design
Now for this mask I added a new layer and changed the foreground to black before selecting the script brush.. add some script on a layer above the white layer.. there is a visible line around this shape..like a piece of paper.. so we will right click on this layer and make a clipping mask (this way any stray edges will fit inside the lower layer pattern).

Now you need to merge the layers together.. to do this click on a layer and right click.. select merge layers.

You are now ready to save.. make sure you save as a JPEG.

This is the effect your mask will create:

All done!!

March 17, 2014
I made this forum set for a challenge over at Dees' Fan Page HERE

Go check it out.. you get an awesome kit to work with for the chally and everyone who enters will get a giftcard for a mini kit from her store - how amazing is that? 

I used the gorgeous new Spring Flower tube in this set.. get it here at Zlatas new store.

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